Sphalerite, Santander, Spain 33x25.5mm 1.2108


Sphalerite, Santander, Spain 33x25.5mm 1.2108 SphlEgg 1x 7/8 inches This a location that has since closed but is sought-after gemstone with rich colors. It has been lit underneath and focal light to let you view the egg as it is experienced in person. Small but the clarity and dramatic color cannot be over stated. A gemstone in a Mineral Collection.

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Sphalerite, Santander, Spain 27x22mm 1.2104 Egg
Anglesite NM 51.8x37.6 mm Egg
Green Opal Madagascar 59.3 x 43.7 mm Egg
Fluorite, Madoc, Ontario, Canada 65x48mm Egg
Eudialyte, Mosandrite, Agrellite, Gittensite, Feldspar, Aegerine 1.2109 Egg 2x1.5 in